CureCervicalCancer (CCC) is dedicated to the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer around the globe for the women who need it most.
The Problem
Over half a million women acquire cervical cancer annually, and more than 300,000 women die of the disease each year. 87% of new cases occur in resource-poor countries with limited access to screening. This is all the more distressing because cervical cancer is nearly 100% preventable.
The "See and Treat" Method
By using low-tech resources in a single visit, the CCC medical team spots pre-cancerous lesions and treats them immediately through a minimally invasive freezing procedure that has an 85-90% cure rate.
"Clinic in a Suitcase"
All the equipment needed to build a cervical cancer prevention clinic fits inside a single suitcase.
By providing proper equipment and carefully training local staff to "See and Treat", CCC creates a self-sustaining prevention clinic that can serve thousands.
Patricia Gordon, MD
Founding Director &
Chair of the Board
Beverly Hills
Area served:
Developing countries
# of employees:
Organizational model:
Nonprofit (donations)