Headquartered in downtown Los Angeles, U.S.VETS is the nation's largest nonprofit provider of comprehensive services to homeless and at-risk veterans. It provides housing, employment and counseling services, and treatment for mental and physical health problems.
At each of its 11 locations around the country, U.S.VETS' personnel go into the local community to find homeless veterans and guide them to crucial services that might help alleviate the challenges they face as a result of their homelessness.
In Southern California, there are three U.S.VETS locations:
- U.S.VETS-Inglewood is the organization's inaugural site. It opened in 1993 with only five clients; today, the site serves 540 veterans daily.
- Situated on a 26-acre campus that was formerly a Navy housing development, U.S.VETS-Long Beach is one of the largest of the organization's 11 sites. It was the first site to offer the ADVANCE Women's Program that is designed specifically for female veterans. The site services more than 550 veterans daily.
- U.S.VETS-Inland Empire, located at the March Air Reserve Base in Moreno County, provides housing and support services to 130 veterans each day. Its Community Office in San Bernardino County offers services to an additional 157 veterans and their families throughout the Inland Empire.
To date, U.S.VETS has served more than 40,000 homeless veterans. The organization reports that 65% of veterans who receive its services successfully transition to permanent housing and thereby achieve self-sufficiency.
Stephen Peck
President & Chief Executive Officer
Downtown Los Angeles
Area served:
# of employees:
Nonprofit (donations)