Grameen Bank Los Angeles
Founded in 2008 by Nobel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus, Grameen America is dedicated to helping women who live in poverty build small businesses to create better lives for their families. It offers microloans (generally in the $500-$3,000 range) with no collateral, a savings program, and financial education with the goal of transforming communities and reducing poverty in the United States.
As of October, 2013, Grameen America had 18,000 borrowers and has lent more than $100 million. Headquartered in New York City, there are branches in Los Angeles, Omaha, and Charotte, North Carolina.
Grameen America partnered with the California Community Foundation and its donors to bring Grameen America to Los Angeles. The first branch opened in Boyle Heights in January, 2013. Click here to read an article from the California Community Foundation's newsletter, Giving in LA, titled "Microfinance in Boyle Heights: Lifting Women out of Poverty."
2008 in New York
2012 in Los Angeles
Stephen A. Vogel
Chief Executive Officer
Syed Tofazzel Hossain
Los Angeles Branch Manager
Boyle Heights
# of employees:
Triple bottom line