Clearinghouse CDFI
Clearinghouse CDFI’s mission is to provide economic opportunities and improve the quality of life for low-income individuals and communities through innovative and affordable financing that is unavailable in the conventional market.
Clearinghouse CDFI provides equal access to credit in neighborhoods of all income levels and ethnicities. We spend the time and energy required to find creditworthy borrowers whose projects will become assets in their community. Our loans allow our borrowers to create affordable housing, revitalize blighted areas, rehabilitate needed community centers, and improve their neighborhoods.
Our borrowers are rejected or not even considered by traditional lenders because of their unique circumstances. Unlike traditional lenders, Clearinghouse CDFI does not have a predefined lending box. We consider every loan application and take community impact into account when determining loan approval. Every loan we fund measurably benefits the community.
To date, Clearinghouse CDFI has invested $1.1 billion in loans for 1,537 projects in distressed communities, benefiting over 813,000 individuals. Clearinghouse CDFI loans have created or retained over 10,800 permanent and construction jobs and developed or rehabilitated 9.4 million square feet.
Product or Service:
Douglas Bystry
President, CEO
Lake Forrest
Benefit Corporation:
Certified B Corporation: