What was your favorite part of Sunday's CicLAvia?

Monday April 7, 2014 by Carolyn

Five members of the Do Good LA team joined the thousands who participated in yesterday's CicLAvia. What a wonderful way to see the six miles of Wilshire stretching from downtown to Fairfax! 

Here are our favorite parts of the experience:

The community participation. Lots of different people from all walks of life spending a Sunday together. Rarely does that happen. -Emily-Rose

Finding our that Wilshire actually has hills, as the cyclists, skateboarders and walkers soon learned! -Rob

Great cross-section of Los Angeles. Cool to see such a wide assortment of Angelenos devoted to the event. -Evan

How such a big ambitious project came together so well. -Ben

The friendliness of the people who work and live in the neighborhoods along Wilshire--including the Latino families wishing the participants well with their smiles and waves and the Korean Americans performing live music and offering free water to the thirsty. -Carolyn

How about you? What were your favorite parts of CicLAvia?
