Some News from The Week

Friday March 15, 2019 by Carolyn

We hope that you like this new weekly update of selected news events related to social entrepreneurism in Southern California. 

Nominations for the James Irvine Foundation's Leadership Awards are now open!

The James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards recognize Californians who are advancing innovative solutions to critical issues facing our state. The Foundation provides each recipient’s organization with a grant of $250,000 to support their work benefiting the people of California, and helps recipients share their approaches with policymakers and practitioners.

Mourning the loss of local humanitarian activist

Sad news. Humanitarian activist Matt Vecere was traveling on the Ethiopian airplane that crashed to a UN environmental conference for IQ Air, the air filtering and monitoring company for which he worked. A life well lived.

Fascinating story about Shindana Toys' groundbreaking Baby Nancy

Baby Nancy was created after the Watts rebellion in 1965 by the LA-based Operation Bootstrap, Inc, a nonprofit community development and job training center dedicated to the Black Power movement.

Love this story on one of my favorite LA-based social enterprises, Everytable.