Help enhance our foothills & deserts via an ExtremeTerrain grant

Sunday November 25, 2018 by Carolyn

Does your organization help to improve trails in the Southern California foothills or deserts? Does it help to clear chaparral or cleanup after fires? Does it help to restore or expand our natural parklands?

If so, it may qualify for the ExtremeTerrain Clear Trail Grant program. 

ExtremeTerrain, a company that sells Jeep parts, established the program in 2015 to demonstrate its respect for "the integrity of the landscape we live, drive and play on" and its intention to "leave the trails we enjoy better than we found them."

This program provides eligible groups with the opportunity to apply for a $250 grant to fund an improvement project. Possibilities include trail clean-up, trail restoration, and trail expansion, to name a few.

The application is easy. For more information: